Termite Repellents: Do They Work

No doubt, termites can devastate and damage your home and furniture. They get attracted to wooden items. Due to this there is damage to wooden products. If you do not check them regularly, they can create havoc in the homes. A regular termite inspection is good for keeping a check on the growth of the termites. So, to control the growth of the termites, there’s the availability of different termite repellant that shows immediate effect and results on the termite.

In the market, there are numerous termite repellents that one can get. These repellants can be natural and unnatural depending on their ingredients. But, the good thing is that these insects can be removed with the application of pest repellant with ease. Let’s have a look at some of the repellants for termites that you can use for the Termite Control process. Also, let’s find out how these repellents work in the removal of the termites in a detailed manner-

termite control
termite control

Vinegar repellent

One of the most common repellants is vinegar which works as a wonder material for your home in the termite removal process. The vinegar solution is the best & most effective to kill termites without any hassles. So, the acidic substance that is present in the vinegar can kill the termites when they come in vinegar contact. 

For this, all that you’re required to do is to mix up half a cup of vinegar with half a cup of lemon juice. This will create an acidic solution and will be effective as the termite killer. That you have to pour this mix into a bottle and they spray it on the affected area with termites. So, try this vinegar repellant for a few applications for better results. 

Orange Oil repellent

Another crucial termite repellant that can be used for the Termite Control process is the orange oil. The main constituent of orange oil is d-limonene which is deadly for the termites. The oil from the peels of the orange shows immediate effect in the removal of the termite. So, let’s see how this repellent works in the termite removal process. 

Orange oil will have effective ingredients that mainly dissolve the exoskeletons of the termites. This will cause them to die and then because of loss of moisture. Termites can only thrive in damp and moisture conditions and they’ll die if they won’t get the moisture. So, you just need to spray the orange oil directly onto termites and the affected areas. Be it a wall or wooden furniture, all these places can be sprayed with orange oil repellent.


Termites in home mean damage to your walls, many household items and wooden furniture. So, there are different termites repellent that can be used for the removal of termites. These repellants act fast, killing the termites. So, spraying these repellants regularly is a good way to keep your home free of termites. For the Termite Control process, these repellents are of great & the best application. Hire the best pest control services today.